Thursday, July 12, 2012

Basic Archery Lingo & Equipment

As promised here is a simple post on basic Archery Lingo I've got familiar within the first month of shooting bow:

3D - 3D are life size hard foam animals used to practice shooting or compete in tournaments
Archery - Sport discipline involving shooting a bow and arrow
Armguard - a leather or plastic accessory used to protect your arm from the string
Arrow - A slender, straight projectile or a stick meant to be shot from a bow
Bino - Binoculars
Bow: Compound - Bow with eccentric wheels or cams
Bow: Cross-bow - "T" shaped bow
Bow: Long-bow - A bow with straight limbs
Bow: Recurve - A bow with curved limbs
Draw weight - The max amount of weight an archer will pull while drawing the bow
Draw length - The distance from the nock point to the throat of the grip plus 1 3/4"
Form - Proper and consistent body posture when shooting
Glove (or Tab) - A protective garment/accessory protecting skin when "shooting fingers"
Hay -  To "shoot hay" is to shoot targets or cardboard animals mounted on a bail of hay
Let-off - "Let off" applies to compound bows and it is the percentage that the draw weight of the bow is reduced by once it is at full draw.
Paper - To "shoot paper" means to shoot mounted to a target stand or bail of hay cardboard animals
Quiver - A container for arrows
Range - Area to practice shooting
Score card - Small sheet with tables to fill in your score results for a league, tourney, etc
Sight(s) - Device with a set of pins to help aiming the targets more accurately
Stabilizer - Rod shaped device attached to front of a bow to reduce vibrations resulting in more accurate shots
Release - Instrument that allows the archer to release the bowstring from the fully drawn position without relaxing the fingers. 
String(s) - "Cord" attached to a bow used to release the arrow
Target - Aim object

My first score card in a non-competition 3D tourney

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